Thursday, June 30, 2016

2016 Convention VIdeos and Photos

The June 2016 annual convention of National Cambridge Collectors, Inc. is history. Four educational program videos from the convention have been uploaded to the Miami Valley Study Group web site along with the usual “Bring and Brag” session. The following videos with links are included:

"Turkeys" program narrated by Jim Findley
"Cat and Dog Bottles" program narrated by Sandy Bridwell-Walker
"Famous Flops by Cambridge" program narrated by Lynn Welker
The Stars of Cambridge” program by the Miami Valley Study Group narrated by Larry Everett
Bring and Brag” session narrated by Lynn Welker

Additionally, 84 photos have been added to our reference photo albums taken at the 2016 annual convention and other sources.

Tip: You can view just the new images by doing a SEARCH. Enter a single SPACE character in the SEARCH BOX and the number of days since June 30th in the NEWER THAN ___ DAYS box. If you see some but not all 84 images, add 1 to the DAYS.